Watch Full Movie :Lieutenant Jangles (2018)

Watch Lieutenant Jangles (2018)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Action, Comedy, Crime

  3. Director: Nic Champeaux
  4. Starring: Matt Dickie, Justin Gerardin, Tamara McLaughlin
  1. Writers: Nic Champeaux, Daniel Cordery

  2. Release date: 28 Jan 2018

  3. Countries: Australia

  4. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian

  5. Runtime: 103 min

  6.   6.8

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Storyline:  Lieutenant Jangles 2018 Its the mid 1980s in the most crime ridden city of Australia Only one man keeps the scales of justice even Cowboy Detective, Lieutenant Jangles After his partner is killed in a blazing shootout, Jangles goes on an explosive and blood soaked mission to avenge his death His quest for vengeance unintentionally makes him the enemy of a mysterious new crime boss, who has been quietly taking over Brisbane City When their paths finally cross, one thing is made clear, this town isnt big enough for the both of them 

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