Watch Full Movie :9 Days in Raqqa (2020)

Watch 9 Days in Raqqa (2020)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Documentary

  3. Director: Xavier de Lauzanne
  4. Starring: Bashar al Assad, Jihane Cheikh Ahmed, Jean Matthieu Gautier
  1. Writers: N/A

  2. Release date: 08 Sep 2021

  3. Countries: France

  4. Languages: Arabic, English, French, Kurdish

  5. Runtime: 88 min

  6.   7.4

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Storyline:  9 Days in Raqqa 2020 Leila Mustapha is Kurdish and Syrian Her fight is Raqqa, the former capital of the Islamic state of three hundred thousand inhabitants, reduced to a field of ruin after the war An engineer by training, mayor at just 30 years old, immersed in a human world, her mission is to rebuild her city, to reconcile, and to establish democracy there An extraordinary mission A French writer crosses Iraq and Syria to meet her In this still dangerous city, she has 9 days to live with Leila and tell her story in a book 

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